
NASM Assembly Language Examples

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Heath Microprocessor Trainer

A Marvel to Behold

If I remember correctly this beast had 256 bytes of memory. I breezed through Pascal and Fortran. I felt confident. And then this beauty, this 8-bit power house humbled, or more accurately, humilated me.

I haven't played with Assembly Language since and, as time heals all wounds, I forgot the pain. These two simple programs, written in NASM, were enough to sate my nastalgia.

The first is a simple hello world program. The second is a turn-based tic-tac-toe program. They're not much, but enough to sate my nostalgia.

Hello World Example

This is my first NASM program, just a simple, getting started Hello World program. You can download the code here: helloworld.asm

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
section .text
   org 100h

   mov dx,my_message
   mov ah,9            ; Write string to STDOUT, DS:DX=pointer to '$' terminated string
   int 21h

   mov al,0            ; return code (0 = no error)
   mov ah,4Ch          ; "EXIT" - TERMINATE WITH RETURN CODE, AL = return code
   int 21h

section .data
   my_message db 'Hello',10,'$

Tic Tac Toe Example

This is my second NASM program, just a simple, tic-tac-toe game. You can download the code here: tic-tac-toe.asm

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
section .text

   ; ========================================================================
   ; Main Program
   ; ========================================================================

   org 100h
   mov cl,[perform_intro]
   ;cmp cl,1
   ;and cl,cl
   or cl,cl
   ;xor cl,cl
   ;inc cl
   jz end_if1
      mov dx,my_message
      mov ah,9            ; Write string to STDOUT, DS:DX=pointer to '$' terminated string
      int 21h

      mov dx,separator
      mov ah,9            ; Write string to STDOUT, DS:DX=pointer to '$' terminated string
      int 21h

   mov cx,9
   mov dl,'x'
      push cx
;     mov cx,my_message_len_equ
;     mov cx,[my_message_len_dw]

      push dx
      mov dx,prompt
      call print_string_0
	  call input_user_move
	  pop dx

      call update_board
	  call print_board

	  cmp dl,'x'
	  je  mov_o
         mov dl,'x'
		 jmp end_mov
         mov dl,'o'
	  push dx

      mov si,row1
      mov cx,3
	     push cx       ; save loop counter
         xor cx,cx     ; clear cx
         mov cl,[si]   ; move contents of addess pointer into cl
	     mov ax,cx     ; add new contents to accumlator ax
	     mov cl,[si+2] ; move contents of 2nd cell into cl
	     add ax,cx     ; add to accumulator
	     mov cl,[si+4] ; move contents of 3rd cell into cl
	     add ax,cx     ; add to accumulator
	     cmp ax,3*'o'  ; check if 3 'o' were in the three rows
	     jz win_found
		 cmp ax,3*'x'  ; check if 3 'x' were in the three rows
		 jz win_found
		 add si,8      ; move to next row (there 8bytes per row)
		 pop cx        ; get loop counter
		 dec cx        ; decrement loop counter. stay in loop if not zero
      jnz check_for_win_row_loop ; stay in loop until cx is zero

      mov si,row1
      mov cx,3
	     push cx       ; save loop counter
         xor cx,cx     ; clear cx
         mov cl,[si]   ; move contents of addess pointer into cl
	     mov ax,cx     ; add new contents to accumlator ax
	     mov cl,[si+8] ; move contents from 2nd row into cl
	     add ax,cx     ; add to accumulator
	     mov cl,[si+2*8] ; move contents from 3rd row into cl
	     add ax,cx     ; add to accumulator
	     cmp ax,3*'o'  ; check if 3 'o' were in the three rows
	     jz win_found
		 cmp ax,3*'x'  ; check if 3 'x' were in the three rows
		 jz win_found
		 add si,2      ; move to next column (skip the vertical bar)
		 pop cx        ; get loop counter
		 dec cx        ; decrement loop counter. stay in loop if not zero
      jnz check_for_win_col_loop ; stay in loop until cx is zero

      mov si,row1
         xor cx,cx     ; clear cx
         mov cl,[si]   ; move contents of addess pointer into cl
	     mov ax,cx     ; add new contents to accumlator ax
	     mov cl,[si+8+2] ; move contents from 2nd row into cl
	     add ax,cx     ; add to accumulator
	     mov cl,[si+2*8+4] ; move contents from 3rd row into cl
	     add ax,cx     ; add to accumulator
	     cmp ax,3*'o'  ; check if 3 'o' were in the three rows
	     jz win_found
		 cmp ax,3*'x'  ; check if 3 'x' were in the three rows
		 jz win_found

      mov si,row1
         xor cx,cx     ; clear cx
         mov cl,[si+4]   ; move contents of addess pointer into cl
	     mov ax,cx     ; add new contents to accumlator ax
	     mov cl,[si+8+2] ; move contents from 2nd row into cl
	     add ax,cx     ; add to accumulator
	     mov cl,[si+2*8] ; move contents from 3rd row into cl
	     add ax,cx     ; add to accumulator
	     cmp ax,3*'o'  ; check if 3 'o' were in the three rows
	     jz win_found
		 cmp ax,3*'x'  ; check if 3 'x' were in the three rows
		 jz win_found

	  pop dx
      ;mov dx,my_message
	  ;call print_string_0
      ;mov ah,40h
      ;mov bx,01h           ; stdout
      ;int 21h
	  pop cx
	  dec cx
   jnz for_loop
   cmp ax,3*'o'
   jz o_wins
      mov dx,x_is_the_winner
      call print_string_0
	  jmp end_print_winner
      mov dx,o_is_the_winner
      call print_string_0
   mov al,0            ; return code (0 = no error)
   mov ah,4Ch          ; "EXIT" - TERMINATE WITH RETURN CODE, AL = return code
   int 21h

   ; ========================================================================
   ; Functions and subroutines
   ; ========================================================================

      mov ah,40h
      mov bx,01h           ; stdout
      int 21h

      mov si,dx            ; load the start of string into si
         mov cl,[si]       ; load the character byte into ch
		 inc si            ; advance dx pointer to the next character
		 and cl,cl         ; check to see if the char is zero
	  jnz print_string_0_loop
	  dec si               ; si is pointing to the byte after null. decrement it back to null char.
	  sub si,dx            ; subract first char address from last char address to get string length
      mov cx,si            ; int 21h ah=40h expects CX to contain the string length

      mov ah,40h
      mov bx,01h           ; stdout
      int 21h
   ret ; print_string_0

      ; read first char (row_id) from stdin without echo. The result is stored in AL
      mov ah,07h
	  int 21h
	  sub al,30h ; convert ASCII to integer by subtracting '0'
	  mov [user_move],al

	  ; read another char (column_id) from stdin without echo. The result is stored in AL
      mov ah,07h
	  int 21h
	  sub al,30h ; convert ASCII to integer by subtracting '0'
	  mov [user_move+1],al
   ret ;input_user_move

   ; 'x' or 'o' passed in with DL register
   ; ax, cx and si are corrupted
	  xor  ax,ax
      mov  al,[user_move+1]
	  shl  ax,1 ;multiple by 2 to handle the vertical bar separators
	  xor  cx,cx
	  mov  cl,[user_move]
	  shl  cx,3  ; multiply by 8 to get the row(each row is conviently 8 bytes)
	  add  ax,cx
	  add  ax,row1
	  mov  si,ax
	  mov  [si],dl
   ret ;update_board

      push dx
      mov dx,row1
      call print_string_0
      mov dx,sep
      call print_string_0

      mov dx,row2
      call print_string_0
      mov dx,sep
      call print_string_0

      mov dx,row3
      call print_string_0
	  pop dx
   ret; print_board

section .data

   ; ========================================================================
   ; Constants, Variables and Data Structures
   ; ========================================================================

   perform_intro dw 0
   my_message db 'He$$lloh ',41h,7,'$',10,0
   my_message_len_equ equ $-my_message
   my_message_len_dw dw my_message_len_equ

   separator db 10,10,"------------------------",10,10,'$'

   o_is_the_winner db 'Way to go O!',10,0
   x_is_the_winner db 'X Rules!',10,0
   prompt db 'Your move (00=top left, 02=top right, 11=middle, 22=lower right...)',10,0
   user_move db 0,0
   row1 db ' | |  ',10,0
   row2 db ' | |  ',10,0
   row3 db ' | |  ',10,0
   sep  db '----- ',10,0

First program in NASM assembly language

NASM vs FASM vs TASM vs YASM vs Assembly Language